新四军军部在云岭期间,新四军政治部民运科长陈茂辉曾三次与王稼祥的父亲王承祖晤面。这三次晤面,都是以王承祖的不愉快而告终的。 第一次是1938年底,王承祖坐着四人抬的大轿从家厚岸来到相隔40余华里的新四军军部驻地云岭,为芜湖被我新四军地下特工人员抓获的一个汉奸说情。王承祖是当地有名的地主,兼营油坊、布匹庄,索与南陵、繁昌、芜湖商界、政界有来往。那些受到打
During the period of Yunling, the New Fourth Army military unit Chen Maohui, chief of the democratic movement of the New Fourth Army Political Department, met Wang Chengzu’s father Wang Chengzu three times. All three of these meetings ended in an unhappy Wang Chengzu. The first time was at the end of 1938 when Wang Chengzu sat in a large sedan carrying four people from his thick bank to Yunling, a station of the New Fourth Army that was separated by more than 40 liras. He said to Wuhu a traitor seized by agents of the New Fourth Army underground. Wang Chengzu is a famous local landowner, run oil mill, cloth Zhuang Zhuang, cable and Nanling, Fanchang, Wuhu business circles, political circles. Those are hit