台中港将设置仓储转运专区 为配合未来境外航运中心启动后带入庞大的货物转口量,台中港内将设置189公顷的仓储转运专区,结合当地精密工业,承接欧美大型货轮,分装小型货轮至祖国大陆各港口,发展成具有仓储、拆装、组合、研发、发货、验证、标签、包装、产品分配及其他相关产业的多功能“亚太科技加工转口专区”。
Taichung Port will set up warehousing transit area To tie in with the huge volume of re-exports brought by the opening of overseas shipping centers in the future, a storage and transportation area of 189 hectares will be set up in Taichung Harbor. With the cooperation of local precision industries, large-scale cargo ships in Europe and the United States will be accepted to deliver small cargo ships to the motherland The ports in mainland China have developed into a multi-functional “Asia-Pacific technology re-export zone” with warehousing, dismantling, assembly, research and development, delivery, verification, labeling, packaging, product distribution and other related industries.