Temporal bone fracture and its complications

来源 :中华创伤杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangzujin
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Objective: To explore the characteristics and treatment oftemporal bone fractures and injuries in the medial-inner ear.Methods: The clinical data of 48 cases of temporal bone fractures admitted to our hospital from January 1989 to November 1999 were retrospectively analyzed.Results: Forty-eight patients with temporal bone fractures accounted for 17.00% of the homochronous craniofacial fractures. Of the 48 cases, temporal bone fractures induced by traffic accidents accounted for 66.67%, capillary fractures for 93.75%, medial-inner ear injuries or craniocerebral injuries for 77.08% and hearing loss or tinnitus for 48.00%. The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) otorrhea and facioplegia accounted for 36.70% and 3.00%, respectively, in the longitudinal fractures, while they were 25.00% and 37.50%, respectively, in the transversal fractures. Primary emergent operations were performed on 46 cases and neurosurgery accounted for 46.00%. Secondary procedures accounted for 16.70%. As a result, 43 cases survived (89.58%) and 5 died (10.41%).Conclusions: Traffic injury is the first high-dangerous factor for temporal bone fractures, which are often complicated with medial-inner ear or craniocerebral injury. The CSF otorrhea is common in the longitudinal fractures and facioplegia is common in the transversal fractures. The key step is to rescue the life, keep the airway unobstructed and maintain the circulation in the primary emergency treatment.
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目的 采用安全快捷易掌握的切线旋转超声乳化技术 ,避免术中副损伤 ,以利获得满意的白内障手术效果。方法 双手合力协调操作 ,采用切线旋转法超声乳化晶状体核技术 ,对5 5