档案学的学科性质问题近年来受到档案界的普遍重视,进行了有益的探讨。但长期无休止的讨论,可能会使档案学性质的研究实际处于既莫衷一是,又百家俱存的状态,最终会影响到这门科学在整个科学领域中的地位,阻碍我国档案事业健康正常的发展。对此,笔者也想为有一个统一的、较为科学的档案学学科性质的确立尽一丝努力。 一、档案学学科性质论述总概 中国档案工作历史很悠久。直到20世纪二三十年代才产生了以机关档案室工作为研究对象的档案学。但是解放前我国大多数学者没有把档案学作为一门科学去研究,最多被看作是“历史科学的一门辅助科目”。这一点从当
The nature of the discipline of archival science has received the general attention of the archives community in recent years. However, the long-term endless discussion may actually make the study on the nature of archival science both in a state of incomprehension and in existence of all others, which will eventually affect the position of this science in the entire scientific field and hinder the healthy and normal development of the archives in China . In this regard, I also want to make a unified effort to establish a more scientific nature of the discipline of archival science. First, the nature of archival disciplines Disciplinary summary of the history of Chinese archives has a long history. Until the twenties and thirties of the twentieth century, archival sciences that took the work of archives agencies as their objects of study were produced. However, before liberation, most scholars in our country did not study archival science as a science, at most regarded as “an auxiliary subject of history science.” This comes from