在经历了7月份和8月份两个月度的恢复性反弹之后, 目前,国际市场钢材价格水平比国内市场平均高 30%左 房地产投资月度增长在9月份再次形成调头减速趋势。 右,下半年国内钢价的回升一定程度上得益于钢材出口的加快。 9月份,房地产投资的当月
After experiencing a two-month recovery rebound in July and August, the monthly average steel price level in the international market is 30% higher than the average in the domestic market. Real estate investment in the left-hand side once again regained its momentum in September. In the second half of the year, the rebound in domestic steel prices benefited from the accelerated export of steel products to some extent. September, the month of real estate investment