在以阶级斗争为纲的年代里 ,阶级意识泛化 ,文学被视为阶级斗争的工具。到了以经济建设为中心的新时期 ,文学研究中阶级、阶级斗争、阶级矛盾等话语逐渐退隐。那么 ,文学研究与阶级 ,特别是古典文学研究与阶级之间到底应该是一种什么样的关系呢 ?结合汉魏文学的历史予以探察 ,本文认为 :阶级是阶级社会特有的社会现象 ,阶级社会中的文学具有一定的阶级性。对文学中的阶级性既不能夸大 ,亦不能漠视。正视阶级 ,梳理、探察文学中的阶级性是古代文学研究中亟待解决的课题之一。
In the era of class struggle, class consciousness became general and literature was regarded as a tool of class struggle. In the new period centered on economic construction, discourses such as class, class struggle and class contradictions gradually disappeared. So what kind of relationship should be between literary research and class, especially classical literary research and class? To explore the history of literature in Han and Wei dynasties, this paper argues that class is the social phenomenon peculiar to class society, and class society The literature in the class has a certain class. The class nature of literature can neither be exaggerated nor ignored. Facing class, combing and exploring the class nature in literature is one of the most urgent problems to be solved in the study of ancient literature.