近日,两个美国小伙子基于Google Glass的技术和功能研发了一个更加人性化的智能眼镜Aira。一时间,让盲人“看”世界成为一众科技迷们的热门话题。上帝关上一扇门的同时也打开一扇窗,人工智能正逐渐成为盲人的那扇窗。据统计,仅仅在美国,大约就有2000万的盲人以及视觉障碍者,而我国目前有1400万盲人。据报道,Aira最重要的不是眼镜有多少黑科技,而是它提供的小助手服务。通过特殊训练的语音助手的帮助能够让
Recently, two American boys developed Aira, a more user-friendly smart glasses based on the technology and features of Google Glass. For a time, to blind people “look ” the world has become a hot topic of science and technology fans. When God closes a door and opens a window, artificial intelligence is gradually becoming the window of the blind. According to statistics, there are about 20 million blind and visually impaired people in the United States alone, and our country currently has 14 million blind people. According to reports, Aira is not the most important glasses how much black technology, but it provides a small helper services. With the help of a specially trained voice assistant,