儿童玩具呈现六大趋势: 一是趋向遥控型。由过去用手控紧发条启动的玩具逐渐向声控、光控、电子遥控玩具发展。各种车辆、飞机、机器人、外星人等遥控玩具成为热门货。 二是由纯粹逗“乐”向智力型发展。如智力拼图、智力积木、十二生肖智力积木等倍受家长重视。 三是由玩耍型向装饰型方向转变。各种仿制的长毛绒动物玩具不
Children’s toys show six trends: First, tend to remote control. From the past, toys started with hand-tightened windings gradually developed into voice-activated, light-controlled, electronic remote-controlled toys. Various types of vehicles, aircraft, robots, aliens, and other remote-controlled toys have become popular items. The second is purely amusing “music” to intellectual development. Such as intellectual puzzles, intellectual building blocks, and intelligence blocks of the Chinese Zodiac have received much attention from parents. The third is the transition from play-type to decorative-type. All kinds of imitation plush animal toys are not