
来源 :中国临床康复 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:msn78160
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INTRODUCTIONrnNerve root type is the type with highest incidence in cervical syn-drome which therapcutic methods are mainly conservative treat-menit. Comnpared with traction and TDP the effect of massage andacupuncture is satisfying.rn
INTRODUCTIONrnFracture of neck of femur consisted an important position in seniletraumatic fracture system and ischemic necrosis of head of femurcaused by fract
TREATMENT EXPERIENCE FOR LUMBAR SPRAINrnMassage and traction are often used in treatment of lumbar sprainto alleviate adhesion of muscle and ligament, enlarge i
BACKGROUND: Single traction or physical therapy such ashigh frequency, middle frequency current therapy and infra-red ra-diation are thought as the routine trea
INTRODUCTIONrnAnkylosis of temporomandibular joint can cause severe mandibofacialasymmetry, postmandibular stenosis. Ankylosis of temporomandibularjoint(TMJ) in
INTRODUCTIONrnThe Change of medical mode affects rand determines the mode ofnursing. The mode of nursing has gradually transferred from the tra-ditional center
INTRODUCTIONrnAt present, multffocal motor neuropathy(MMN) is being graduallyrecognized, but domestic reports are rare and there is some difficultyin clinical d
LNTROD UCTIONrnSurvive rate of renad transplantation is very high, but in the courseof postoperative clinical rehabilitation, pulmonary inffection is oftencompl
BACKGROUND: To patients with burn of face, how to preventand reduce facial deformity in maximal degree is an important sub-ject in burn iatreusiology.rn
INTRODUCTIONrnDifficulty of urination is common after transurethral electrovaporisationof the prostate (TuVP), which inflicts patients physiologically andpsycho
INTRODUCTIONrnDuring the course of the rehabilitation of cervical disease, it wasfound that symptoms of the patient is not always occurred simulan-iously. So th