雷洪因车祸去世快一年了。他是四川美院出名的好人。作为师范系主任,他对师生无微不至地关心可谓有口皆碑。去年九月重庆连续高温达43℃,他竟把自己带空调的住房全让给无处逃避酷热的一群学生去住,自己则在学校里“打游击”。这类感人的事太多太多,所以雷洪的死讯带给美院的是真正的悲痛。雷洪是色彩大师李有行的关门弟子,色彩方面当然有相当的基础。他又学过工艺,给雷圭元当过学生,对中国传统艺术、民间艺术的色彩有很深的了解。他一直反对一般的色彩画家们那种西方色彩观念先入为主的单一模式,那种一切以光源色、环境色、固有色等客观视觉色彩为作画用色的标准。雷洪原喜欢中国民族审美中色彩表现的主观性,如色彩的情感性、观念性与符号性。当然,他也喜欢西方意味的源于现实及视觉经验的色彩的丰富性与厚重感,西方色彩学中的种种规律,雷洪掌握得也十分娴熟。 雷洪对中国传统艺术颇有研究,中国古典意象艺术那种自觉的平面性、抽象性与虚拟性给雷洪色彩艺术的创造带来了极大的自由,这是雷洪与其他色彩画家的重要不同。雷洪作画也画实物,自然界色彩那么丰富,当然要画,他画静物,画风景,但这些事物在
Rehman died almost a year after a car accident. He is a famous person in Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts. As teacher of department, he meticulously care about teachers and students can be described as acclaimed. Last year, in Chongqing, temperatures reached 43 ℃ in a row. In September last year, he went so far as to let all his air-conditioned houses go to a group of students who have nowhere to go to escape the heat. They went to school for guerrilla warfare. There are too many such touching things, so the true grief of Rehon’s death brought to the academy is that. Rehon is a color master Li Youxing close disciples, of course, have a considerable color basis. He learned the craft again and was a student of Lei Kai Yuan. He had a deep understanding of the colors of traditional Chinese art and folk art. He has always opposed the preconceived notion of the prevalent colorists in the West, all of which are based on objective visual colors such as light color, ambient color and inherent color. Lei Hongyuan likes the subjectivity of color representation in Chinese national aesthetics, such as the emotional, conceptual and symbolic nature of color. Of course, he also likes the richness and heavyness of the colors that come from reality and visual experience in the West. The laws in western color science are also very masterful. Rehmann studied quite well the traditional Chinese arts. The self-conscious planeness, abstraction and virtuality of Chinese classical image art brought great freedom to the creation of Rehon’s color art. This was the work of Rehon and other color painters Important difference. Rehon also draws paintings in kind, natural colors are so rich, of course, to draw, he painted still life, painting scenery, but these things in