Experimental review of the Υ(1S,2S,3S)physics at e+e-colliders and the LHC

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The three lowest-lying T states,i.e.,Υ(1S),Υ(2S),and Υ(3S),composed of bb pairs and below the BB threshold,provide a good platform for the researches of hadronic physics and physics beyond the Standard Model.They can be produced directly in e+e-colliding experiments,such as CLEO,Babar,and Belle,with low continuum backgrounds.In these experiments,many measurements of the exclusive T(1S)and T(2S)decays into light hadrons,which shed light on the“80%rule”for the Okubo-Zweig-Iizuka suppressed decays in the bottomonium sector,were carried out.Meanwhile,many studies of the charmonium and bottomonium productions in Υ(1S,2S,3S)decays were performed,to distinguish different Quantum Chromodynamics(QCD)models.Besides,exotic states and new physics were also extensively explored in Υ(1S,2S,3S)decays at CLEO,BaBar,and Belle.The Υ(1S,2S,3S)states can also be produced in pp collisions and in collisions involving heavy ions.The precision measurements of their cross sections and polarizations at the large hadron collider(LHC),especially in the CMS,ATLAS,and LHCb experiments,help to understand T production mechanisms in pp collisions.The observation of the sequential Υ suppression in heavy ion collisions at CMS,LHCb,and ALICE is of great importance for verifying the quark-gluon plasma predicted by QCD.In this article,we review the experimental results on T(1S,2S,3S)at e+e-colliders and the LHC,and summarize their prospects at Belle Ⅱ and the LHC.
【摘 要】甘肃省高中新课程改革始于2010年秋季,高中综合实践活动校本课程正处于一个急待开发的阶段,各个学校都积极响应国家新课程的号召,开始组织人力开发符合自己学校特色的校本课程,有的学校竟然来硬性任务,要求高级教师必须人人开选修课。然而,在高中原来应试教育的模式下,教师成天精心于研究高考,对新的课程改革,尤其校本课程的认识比较模糊,开设起来困难,一时间,高中校本课程的开发成为教师茶余饭后的热议