
来源 :中央民族大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiejie2717
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历史上出现的少数民族王朝,如辽、金少数民族,由于他们本身所处的社会发展阶段落后于中原的汉族,又是马上得天下,故在许多人看来,以这些少数民族为统治民族建立起来的王朝只同征战有关,而与文化教育无缘。一些中国文化史、思想史著作对此很少述及,在教育史中更是寥寥了。对于曾统一中国的蒙古族所建立的元朝,不少人都认为在教育方面没有什么建树,元代在教育史上是一个衰落时期(见杨亮功等著:《中国教育史研究》,台湾汉苑出版社1985年版,第24页)。这些都是不全面和不公允的,事实上,辽金元时期的教育较之其他时期的教育有许多值得称道的地方,辽金元对北方广大地域的文化教育开发起了至关重要的作用。这一时期,教育对理学的传播,科学知识的交流与普及,社会组织的重建和改造,对民族特别是少数民族素质的提高,都有力地推动了辽金元三朝的文明进步。 The ethnic dynasties such as the Liao and Jin ethnic minorities that have appeared historically have been devastated by the fact that their stage of social development lags behind that of the Han people in the Central Plains. Therefore, it seems to many people that ethnic minorities rule the nation The established dynasty was only related to the expedition, but missed the cultural education. Some Chinese cultural history and ideological history treatise seldom deal with it, and in the history of education it is even rarer. For the Yuan Dynasty founded by the Mongolian people who once unified China, many people think that there is not much to be done in education. The Yuan Dynasty was a period of decline in the history of education (see Yang Lianggong et al., Studies in the History of Education in China, Han Yuan Publishing in Taiwan 1985 edition, p. 24). These are not comprehensive and unfair. In fact, Liao, Jin and Yuan dynasties played a crucial role in the education and development of culture in the vast northern areas of the country in comparison with the education in other periods. . During this period, the spread of Neo-Confucianism, the exchange and popularization of scientific knowledge, the rebuilding and reorganization of social organizations, and the improvement of the qualities of ethnic minorities, especially the ethnic minorities, have all effectively promoted the progress of civilization in the Liao, Jin and Yuan Dynasties.
胃肠双重造影术自上世纪六十年代开展以来 ,至今仍为胃肠道检查的首选方法。但在检查过程中 ,钡凝集现象经常出现 ,且难以克服。为了改变这种状况 ,笔者在双重造影中应用无管
在南极洲冰层之下发现了湖泊,其面积为2 000和1 600 km2,深度900 m。这些位于4 000 m厚冰层之下的湖泊,是由美国哥伦比亚大学制图时测到的。在被列入南极洲这个地区冰下湖泊
行动学习是由英国曼彻斯特大学雷文斯教授最早提出的,实践证明,它是一种非常有效的培训方法。 一,行动学习与传统学习的区别 行动学习的培训方式与传统的培训方法不同。传统