1994—1995年间,我在中央音乐学院指挥系进修研究生课程时,曾有幸观赏了著名印度籍指挥家祖宾·梅塔率以色列爱乐乐团的访华演出,并有幸聆听了大师在音乐学院的客座授课。 那次演出,曲目覆盖面宽,音乐跨度大,从贝多芬《第7交响曲》,柴可夫斯基《D大调小提琴
During 1994-1995 when I was a graduate student in the command department of the Central Conservatory of Music, I was fortunate enough to have admired the famous Indian conductor Zubin Mehta’s visit to China for the performance of the Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra. I was fortunate to hear the master’s Guest lessons. That performance, track coverage, music span, from Beethoven “Symphony No. 7”, Tchaikovsky "D major violin