前言根据联合国粮农组织的统计,近年来在全世界渔获量中,数量最高的单一种类为秘鲁近海的鳀鱼(1961年为501万吨)。但是,在第二次世界大战以前,远东水域的沙丁鱼(Sardinops sagax melanosticta)很长时期在世界渔获量中占居首位,1937年达273万吨。1930—1939年日本的沙丁鱼平均年产量为113万吨,占日本鱼类总产量的42%,远远超过占第二位的鲱鱼产量34万吨。由此可以看出,沙丁鱼渔业在当时
Foreword According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the single largest catch of fish in the world in recent years is the marine catfish (0.61 million tons in 1961) offshore Peru. However, before the Second World War, Sardinops sagax melanosticta in the Far East waters dominated world catches for a long time, reaching 2.73 million tons in 1937. From 1930 to 1939, the average annual output of sardines in Japan was 1.13 million tons, accounting for 42% of the total fish production in Japan, far exceeding the output of 340,000 tons of herring, which ranked second. It can be seen, sardine fisheries at the time