关于长虹进入手机行业的消息我们已经看到太多太多,而且经过多次努力,在 2005年的下半年长虹旗下的国虹通讯就已经获得了“手机牌照”,但我们一直还没有机会一睹长虹手机的风采。这是我们第一次接触长虹手机,评测机为一款型号为V368的平板多媒体手机。
We have already seen too much about Changhong’s entry into the mobile phone industry. After years of hard work, China Rainbow Communications Co., Ltd. under Changhong has obtained a “mobile phone license” in the second half of 2005. However, we have not had a chance yet See Changhong phone’s style. This is our first contact with Changhong phone, evaluation machine is a model V368 tablet multimedia phone.