上一期我们邀请国内几家大型的蔬菜出口企业给大家介绍了他们在出口业务上的一些经验。这一期,仍是本着信息服务的原则,我们组编了以蔬菜出口政策和相关专家观点为主要内容的“特别企划”,希望能为广大蔬菜企业迈入或更加迈进蔬菜国际市场参谋一二。另外,“特别企划”自2003年第9期开设以来,得到了许多业内相关人士的大力支持,值此辞旧迎新之际,我在此向大家表示衷心的感谢并致以节日的问候!对于本年度共四期“特别企划”中所讨论过的话题,如果您认为仍有不完善之处,请发E-mail给我:[email protected],或写信至编辑部,我们将恭听您的高见。在2004年第1、2期中,我们拟以“出口蔬菜认证”及“菜农行业协会”为主题展开讨论,有兴趣参与或有相关信息的朋友也请与我联系,在此表示深深谢意!
In the previous issue, we invited several large domestic vegetable exporters to brief them on some of their experiences in export business. This issue is still based on the principle of information services, we compiled a vegetable export policy and the relevant experts point of view as the main content of the “special plan”, hoping for the majority of vegetable enterprises to enter or further into the international vegetable market a staff two. In addition, since its opening in September 2003, Special Plan has received the strong support of many stakeholders in the industry. On this occasion, I hereby extend my heartfelt thanks to all of you for your greetings and greetings from the holidays! If you think there are still imperfections, please send e-mail to me at [email protected] or write to the editorial department, we will listen Your opinion. In the first and second phases of 2004, we intend to discuss the theme of “Export Vegetable Certification” and “Vegetable Industry Association”. Those who are interested in participating or have relevant information may also contact me. I hereby express my deep appreciation.