现行GB 50016-2014《建筑设计防火规范》,明确了高层公寓等非住宅居住建筑的防火要求应符合公共建筑的规定,在房间、走道均需设置自动喷水灭火系统喷头。本文采用火灾模拟方法,通过火灾动态模拟软件(FDS),模拟典型火灾工况下的火灾烟气蔓延情况及影响效果,并运用人员疏散软件Building EXODUS,模拟计算某公寓人员疏散情况,得出相应结论。本文仅对在走道设置喷头的方案,进行可靠性和合理性的模拟研究。
The current GB 50016-2014 “Code of Fire Protection for Building Design” specifies that the fire protection requirements of non-residential residential buildings such as high-rise apartments should comply with the requirements of public buildings. Sprinklers of automatic sprinkler systems need to be installed in rooms and walkways. In this paper, fire simulation method is used to simulate fire smoke spread under typical fire conditions and its effect by fire dynamic simulation software (FDS). Building evacuation software Building EXODUS is used to simulate the evacuation situation of an apartment. Correspondingly, in conclusion. This article only on the walkway set nozzle program, the reliability and rationality of the simulation study.