采用能量原理在广义刚性横梁法的基本假定下 ,横梁为不变形的刚性梁 ,根据单根斜梁在单位力 (或单位矩 )作用下的一般计算公式 ,导出了斜梁桥荷载横向分布的计算公式 ,推出了斜梁桥通用的荷载横向分布的计算公式。并对正梁桥、平行四边形斜梁桥等几种特例下各系数进行了计算。该方法特别适用于可以简化为梁格的窄梁桥荷载横向分布计算
Based on the general assumption of the generalized rigid beam method, the beam is a non-deformable rigid beam. According to the general formula of the single inclined beam under the action of unit force (or unit moment), the transverse load distribution of the inclined beam bridge is deduced Calculation formula, the formula for calculating the transverse distribution of load commonly used for the inclined beam bridge is introduced. The calculation of each coefficient under several special cases, such as Zhenggong Bridge and parallelogram skew bridge, is carried out. This method is especially suitable for the calculation of transverse load distribution of narrow girder bridge which can be simplified as a beam