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前几日,我从淘宝网购了几袋牛肉干和鱿鱼丝。之后我意外地发现,新浪微博的“热门商品推荐”栏,不厌其烦地在向我推荐同类商品。于是,我顺手写了一条抱怨的微博:“我一次就吃腻了,不要再天天向我推荐了。你能追踪到我的消费痕迹,却体会不到我的消费感受!”然而,更让我意外的是:短短三四天内,微博点击率就达70多万人次,转发和评论上千条。参与 A few days ago, I bought several bags of beef jerky and squid silk from Taobao. After I accidentally found that Sina microblogging “popular product recommendation ” column, take the trouble to recommend similar products to me. So, I easily write a complaining microblogging: “I once tired of eating, do not recommend to me every day .You can track my consumption traces, but can not feel my consumption experience!” However, Even more surprising to me is that in just three or four days, weibo’s click-through rate has reached over 700,000, and forwarding and commenting on thousands of articles. participate
据新华网报道 中国家庭教育学会、全国妇联儿童工作部、中国儿童中心近日在北京联合发布了《我国家庭教育指导服务现状调查报告》。调查显示,我国大多数省份都已建立家庭教育协调机构,其中主要业务工作由妇联负责。  报告指出,现代社会人才竞争,加之我国现行的人口计划生育政策,家长们普遍重视家庭教育,但繁忙的工作占据了大量的时间和精力,很多家长对于儿童发展、家庭教育知识了解较少,迫切需要科学的家庭教育指导服务。