海蜇与海参混养充分利用两品种的互换生态位。海蜇水温18~28℃适宜生长,5月底6月初开始放苗,到10月上旬可陆续放苗2~3茬,39~90天可收获海蜇。6月初水温达到20%海参开始夏眠,正好利用这一特性养殖海蜇,10月中旬收完海蜇,到10月下旬水温下降到18~8℃,正是海参适宜生长的时期。海蜇平均产量121.52 kg/667 m~2,产值1080.85元/667m~2,海参平均产量158.13 kg/667 m~2,产值5326.48元/667 m~2。平均每667 m~2纯益3 644.29元,投入产出比为1∶2.32。
Jellyfish and sea cucumber polyculture take full advantage of the interchange of two varieties of niche. Jellyfish water temperature 18 ~ 28 ℃ suitable for growth, the end of May the beginning of early June Fangmiao, early October to gradually seedling 2-3 stubble, 39 to 90 days can be harvested jellyfish. Early June the water temperature reached 20% sea cucumber began to sleep, just use this feature breeding jellyfish, jellyfish finished in mid-October, by the end of October the water temperature dropped to 18 ~ 8 ℃, sea cucumber is the appropriate period of growth. The average output of jellyfish was 121.52 kg / 667 m ~ 2, the output value was 1080.85 yuan / 667m ~ 2, the average yield of sea cucumber was 158.13 kg / 667 m ~ 2, and the output value was 5326.48 yuan / 667 m ~ 2. The average profit per 667 m ~ 2 3 644.29 yuan, input-output ratio of 1: 2.32.