根据中国学术期刊 (光盘版 )技术规范 ,作者来稿请按如下要求书写 :1 .除一般动态性信息外 ,来稿一律加英文标题 ,标题后写明作者姓名、工作单位、通讯地址、邮政编码 (有联系电话可以放在文章末尾 )。2 .正文前面加关键词 3~ 8个 ,摘要 1 0 0~ 30 0字。3.理论与应用研究类的
According to the technical specifications of China Academic Journal (CD-ROM), the author should submit the following manuscripts according to the following requirements: 1. In addition to the general dynamic information, the manuscripts should be accompanied by the English title. The title should include the author’s name, work unit, mailing address, There is a contact phone number can be placed at the end of the article). 2 front of the text plus 3 to 8 keywords, summary 1 0 0 ~ 30 0 words. 3. Theory and Applied Research