1996~ 1999年监测了河北冀州、河南西华、山东高密和新疆库尔勒棉铃虫对氯氟氰菊酯、久效磷和灭多威的抗性动态变化。结果表明 :新疆棉铃虫抗性水平变化很少 ,尚处于敏感状态或低抗水平 ,而华北棉铃虫已处于中到高抗水平 ;不同年份比较 ,对氯氟氰菊酯 ,冀州棉铃虫抗性呈下降趋势 ,而西华和高密棉铃虫在 1996~ 1998年呈上升趋势 ,但自 1998年起华北地区大量种植 Bt棉 ,使得 1999年棉铃虫抗性有所下降 ;对久效磷和灭多威 ,华北各地棉铃虫的抗性在 1996~ 1999年均呈上升趋势。棉铃虫抗性个体频率变化趋势与上述结果基本一致。
From 1996 to 1999, the dynamic changes of resistance to cyhalothrin, monocrotophos and methomyl in Hebei Jizhou, Henan Xihua, Shandong Gaomi and Korla in Xinjiang were monitored. The results showed that there was little change in the resistance level of H. armigera in Xinjiang, yet it was still in a sensitive or low resistant level, but the cotton bollworm in North China had a moderate to high level of resistance. In different years, the resistances to cyhalothrin, While the numbers of cotton bollworm in West China and High Density cotton bollworm increased from 1996 to 1998. However, Bt cotton was planted in North China since 1998, The resistance of H. armigera in North China and North China increased from 1996 to 1999. The trend of frequency of resistant individuals to H. armigera was basically consistent with the above results.