对近 5a收治的 886例 15岁以下小儿烧伤患者的年龄、性别、烧伤原因、面积、部位、地点、发病季节、转归等流行病学资料进行统计分析 .结果 :小儿烧伤 5岁以下儿童占 86 8% ,男性占 6 2 % ,女性占38% ,冬春季发病率 5 2 % ,夏秋季 48% ,热液和火焰为主要致伤原因 (94 5 % ) ,家庭内损伤占 91% ,四肢和躯干为好发部位 ,烧伤面积在 30 %以下占 91 3% ,死亡率 0 5 % ,烧伤面积在 30 %以上死亡率 14 5 % .火焰烧伤死亡率高于热液烫伤 (P <0 0 5 ) .多脏器衰竭、全身感染和休克是主要死亡原因 .结论 :小儿烧伤 ,重在预防
The epidemiological data of 886 children under 15 years of age who underwent treatment were collected and analyzed for age, gender, cause of burn, area, location, location, season of onset and outcome.Results: Children under 5 years old accounted for 86.8% were males, 62% were males, 38% were females, 52.2% in winter and spring, 48% in summer and autumn, 94.5% were caused by hydrothermal fluids and flame, 91% Limbs and torso as the predilection sites, the burn area accounted for 91.3% below 30%, the mortality rate was 0.5% and the burn area was above 30%, the mortality rate was 14.5% .The mortality rate of flame burn was higher than that of hydrothermal burns (P <0 0 5) .Multiple organ failure, systemic infection and shock were the main causes of death.Conclusion: The pediatric burn should be focused on prevention