草菇是一种腐生真菌,营腐生生活方式,它必须从死亡的植物体及土壤中吸收现成的养分和水分才能生活。因此,有关专家提醒菇农必须满足草菇对生长条件的需求,才有可能栽培成功,要谨防所需不足、不当而造成损失。 一、防营养不足 栽培草菇时,应选择优质、呈金黄色的稻草,不宜使用霉烂变质的稻草,并在稻草堆中增加一些黄豆秸和鸡、鸭、猪、牛的粪干粉等有机物,以补充氮源,有利于高产、优质。
Straw mushroom is a saprophytic fungus, saprophytic life style, it must be from dead plants and soil absorb ready-made nutrients and water to live. Therefore, experts advise mushroom growers must meet the growth conditions of straw mushroom demand, it is possible to cultivate success, to guard against the required deficiencies, improper and cause damage. First, the prevention of malnutrition Straw mushroom cultivation, should choose high-quality, golden straw, should not use rotten metamorphic straw, and in the straw heap to add some soy straw and chicken, duck, pig, cow dung powder and other organic matter, To supplement the nitrogen source, is conducive to high yield, high quality.