南海是东亚大陆边缘最大的边缘海之一。它北接华南大陆,南界加里曼丹,东临台湾省、菲律宾群岛,西邻中南半岛,面积约350万km~2。地理位置重要,地质构造格局复杂,自然资源十分丰富,早为国内外学者所瞩目。 本世纪70年代以来,中国科学院南海海洋研究所在南海大规模开展了以普查石油、天然气为主的地质、地球物理调查,获得了大量的十分宝贵的资料。《南海地质构造与陆缘扩
The South China Sea is one of the largest marginal seas on the margin of the East Asian continent. It borders South China on the north and Kalimantan on the south, with Taiwan Province and the Philippines on the east and Indochina Peninsula on the west with an area of about 3.5 million km2. Geographical location is important, complex geological structure, natural resources are very rich, as early as the domestic and foreign scholars attention. Since the 1970s, the South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences has conducted a large-scale survey of the geology and geophysics in the South China Sea to census oil and natural gas and has obtained a great deal of valuable information. South China Sea geological structure and continental expansion