正常人近端小肠内仅有少量细菌,菌落数一般<10~3/ml。当小肠有盲襻时,则常可>10~5/ml,而发生一种或多种物质吸收不良症状。无盲襻而患本症者少见。最近我院见到这类患者一例,兹介绍于下: 王某,男性,80岁。主诉近半年来食欲不振及明显消瘦,因治疗无效而来我院治疗。过去无胃肠道手术及腹泻史。体检:血压140/80,贫血外貌,明显消瘦,咽(-),心肺(-),腹软,肝扪及,脾(-),浅表淋巴结(-),肛门指检(-),神经系统
Normal proximal small intestine only a small amount of bacteria, the number of colonies generally <10 ~ 3 / ml. When the small intestine is blind, you often> 10 ~ 5 / ml, and one or more substances appear to malabsorption symptoms. Blind without suffering from the disease is rare. Recently, I saw a case of such patients in our hospital, it is introduced in the next: Wang, male, 80 years old. Almost half of the main complaints of loss of appetite and significant weight loss, due to ineffective treatment came to our hospital. Past history of gastrointestinal surgery and diarrhea. Physical examination: blood pressure 140/80, appearance of anemia, significant weight loss, pharynx (-), cardiopulmonary (-), abdomen soft, liver palpable, spleen (-), superficial lymph nodes (-), system