
来源 :调味副食品科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangkai198610
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豆腐素有“植物肉”之称。营养丰富,价廉易得,是人们喜爱的副食品。它既能制作一般的家常菜,也可以变换调料,制成各种花色菜肴,丰富我们的餐桌。下面介绍几种家常菜和花色菜的作法。制作豆腐菜肴,特别是水豆腐,由于它本身不具有特殊味觉,必须多加调料,才能美味可口。另外,要注意:1、去掉黄碱、淡 Tofu known as “plant meat,” said. Nutritious, cheap easy to get, is a favorite non-staple food. It can not only make ordinary homemade dishes, but also can change the seasoning, made a variety of dishes, enrich our table. Here are some home cooking and color dishes practice. Making tofu dishes, especially water tofu, because it does not have a special taste, you must add more spices to delicious. In addition, pay attention to: 1, remove the yellow base, light