
来源 :中国海上油气.工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:q3821713
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随着海洋石油工业的发展,海洋石油勘探开发过程中产生的含油废弃物的处理日益受到人们重视。近年来,对石油化学废弃物的处理与综合利用技术有了较大的发展,开发出一批技术成熟、经济效益较高的生物处理技术,主要有地耕处理、堆肥和泥浆生物反应器处理。这些方法通过稀释、通风、混合、添加营养物及控制湿度和pH值来加速自然生物降解过程。大量的研究显示,在处理含油钻屑、油罐底物、钻井泥浆及受原油污染的土壤等海洋石油开发含油废弃物时,生物处理方法在技术上是切实可行的。 With the development of the offshore oil industry, the treatment of oily waste generated during the offshore oil exploration and development has drawn increasing attention. In recent years, petrochemical waste disposal and comprehensive utilization of technology has made great development, developed a number of mature technologies, high economic benefits of biological treatment technology, mainly in the soil treatment, composting and sludge bioreactor treatment . These methods accelerate the natural biodegradation process by diluting, aerating, mixing, adding nutrients and controlling humidity and pH. Numerous studies have shown that bioprocessing is technically feasible in the development of oily waste from offshore oil such as oil cuttings, tank bottoms, drilling muds, and soils contaminated with crude oil.
背 景:  本刊于2010年介绍过一篇关于“秒杀”的文章,当时“秒杀”在国内尚属于新鲜事物,是一种新型的促销方式,知晓的人并不多。时隔两年的今天,本刊记者听闻“秒杀”已出现了新变化,而且不少投资者靠它赚了钱。因此本刊记者对此进行了追踪调查。  本刊记者经过3个月的调查,发现“秒杀”已从网络促销方式升级为生意,而且是三类生意,下面就为感兴趣的读者介绍一下,或许正在寻找项目的投资者能从中受到启发。  
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