
来源 :政府法制 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:valgrind2
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为进一步做好维护校园周边秩序工作,增强广大师生遵纪守法意识,有效预防学生违法犯罪,结合当前正在开展的“大走访”开门评警活动部署,山西省临汾市公安局直属分局辛寺街派出所采取有力措施,整合多方面资源,推进法制进校园活动,积极倡导警校共建,携手打造平 In order to do a better job of maintaining the order around the campus, enhance the law-abiding awareness of teachers and students, and effectively prevent students from committing crimes and crimes, combined with the current deployment of “big visit” to open the door to assess the police, Shanxi Linfen Public Security Bureau directly under the branch Xin Temple Street police station to take effective measures to integrate a wide range of resources, promote the rule of law into the campus activities, and actively promote the police school to build together to create peace
下面几篇关于“雪”的诗文写得都很美。试着把精彩的字、词、句摘录下来,记在脑子里吧!    美丽的雪花飞舞起来了。我已经有三年不曾见着它。   去年在福建,仿佛比现在更迟一点,也曾见过雪。但那是远处山顶的积雪,可不是飞舞的雪花。在平原上,它只是偶然地随着雨点洒下来几颗,没有落到地面的时候,它的颜色是灰的,不是白色;它的重量像是雨点,并不会飞舞,一到地面,它立刻融成了水,没有痕迹,也未曾跳跃,也未曾发