根据统计,在1998年约有12 000名与台湾人结婚之大陆配偶,之后逐年增长,于2003年达到巅峰,当年约有35 000名与台湾人结婚之大陆配偶,之后大陆配偶之人数虽逐年下降,然根据近五年(2008年至2012年)之统计可发现每年新增之大陆配偶仍维持于13 000人左右,约占台湾每年结婚总人数之4%。大陆配偶在台湾已累积相当可观之人数,其中当然不乏真正因爱情而结合的婚姻,但其中亦有一些婚姻并非立基于爱情,而是基于其他因素。当婚姻的基础并非出于男女间自然的情爱,此种婚姻在先天上难免较为脆弱。然而,这群为数不少的大陆配偶一旦进入台湾的职场,难免会排挤台湾人民原就相当紧缩的就业机会,再加上两岸之间政治上之敏感关系,台湾当局难免会对大陆配偶在台湾居留期间从事工作有所疑虑,因此早期在处理大陆配偶在台湾之身份取得与就业问题时系采取较为严格之策略,也因此衍生许多争议。本文从相关法令之规范出发,探讨大陆配偶在台湾之就业问题,并提出未来政策发展方向之建议。
According to statistics, about 12,000 mainland spouses married to Taiwanese people were recorded in 1998 and then increased year by year. The number reached a peak in 2003 when about 35,000 Mainland spouses married to Taiwanese people, However, based on the statistics of the past five years (from 2008 to 2012), the number of new spouses in mainland China each year still stands at around 13,000, accounting for about 4% of the total number of marriages in Taiwan each year. Mainland spouses have already accumulated considerable numbers of people in Taiwan. Of course, there are no real marriages that are truly marrying because of love. However, some of these marriages are based not on love but on other factors. When marriage is not based on the natural love between men and women, such marriages are inevitably inherently more vulnerable. However, when a large number of mainland spouses enter the workplace in Taiwan, they will inevitably squander the rather tightening employment opportunities of the Taiwanese people. Coupled with the politically sensitive relationship between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, Taiwan authorities will inevitably be forced to confuse mainland spouses in Taiwan During his stay, he was somewhat concerned about his work. Therefore, a more stringent strategy was adopted in the early handling of the issue of identity acquisition and employment of mainland spouses in Taiwan. As a result, many controversies arose. This article, starting from the norms of the relevant laws and regulations, explores the employment of mainland spouses in Taiwan and proposes the future direction of policy development.