Today’s television shows more and more realism and intimacy, so the director is no longer just behind the planners, the new situation requires more and more editors walked into the microphone before assuming the role of host. So, how to shoulder this new mission and become a qualified all-powerful director became a county television station director’s challenge. First, to have a “sincere” love to a charitable show planning, as small as an interview with a difficult family, went to the microphone port director should first be a good messenger of love. This messenger’s identity is not an external packaging, nor is it a polite welcome to be able to replace it, it needs to be sincere. At the county level, the most commonly dealt with in acquisition programs is those at the lowest level of society. Their lives are embarrassing. Their heart is inferior and frightened when they face our cameras. The face of such a group of people in need of help, as a director, should first feel and care is their sensitive heart. For example, to understand the difficult groups