一六四四年,满清开国。当时的顺治皇帝只有六岁,实际掌握大权的是顺治的叔叔摄政王多尔衮,他是满清立国时基本方针大计的决策人,而且的确作出了一些对后世影响深远的英明决策。不久前上演的电视剧《庄妃轶事》中有不少多尔衮的戏,但令人遗憾的是对于多尔衮在这方面的贡献涉及甚少。 多尔衮统率满清大军于一六四四年五月进入北京。满清立国除兵制自有八旗为根本外,余皆沿袭明制。但在征收赋税方
In 1644, Manchuria opened. At that time Emperor Shunzhi was only six years old. The actual power of rule was the prince regent, Junji Dole, who was the policy maker of the basic principle at the time of the founding of Manchukuo and indeed made some wise decisions that far-reaching impact on future generations. Not long ago there was a lot of drama about Dorgon in the drama “Zhuang Fei Anecdotes”, but regrettably there was very little to Doollah’s contribution in this respect. In 1964, Doll entered the capital of Manchuria. In the Qing Dynasty, except for its own Eight Banners as the basic rule, all I followed the Ming system. However, tax collectors