每年农历七月初七日,是古代粤东广大农村最崇拜的“孩子保护神”——公婆的生日。潮汕民俗称这一天为“公婆生”。 说起来十分奇怪,“公婆生”和别的节日截然不同,没有热烈欢庆的景象,也没有喜气洋洋的场面,而使人感觉到的,却是家家户户都笼罩着一层诡秘的傩巫氛围。每当这一天的到来,家庭主妇一大清早就起来,把房间打扫得干干净净,把床上的被褥折叠得整整齐齐,梳头洗脸后,便庄严地换上了敬神的礼服:蓝衣蓝裙玄鞋子,准备虔诚地祭拜公婆。尤其有趣的是,祭拜公婆的仪式,不是在公厅,而是自始至终地在生男育女的房间眠(睡)床上举行。眠床的中央,安放着一个用竹蔑编织用井心红花水涤洗的特制大盘子,公婆的香炉就摆在盘子的最前端,然后依次摆上三碗简朴而寓象征意义的祭品:“粉丝蛋”、“甜豆腐”、“田鲫鱼”(怀春的)。主妇边烧香边磕响头边念一些古老
The seventh day of the seventh lunar month every year is the birthday of the in-laws of the “child protection god” most admired in the vast rural areas of ancient Guangdong. Chaoshan folk called the day as “in-laws birth.” Strangely speaking, “the birth of a law-in-law” is completely different from other festivals. There is no scene of warm celebrations and no happy scenes. What people feel is that every household is shrouded in a mysterious atmosphere. Whenever this day arrives, the housewife gets up early in the morning, clean the room clean, the bedding on the bed folded neatly, comb his face after washing, they solemnly put on the deity’s dress: Blue Blue Dressed mysterious shoes, ready to pious worship of her in-laws. What is particularly interesting is that the ritual of worshiping her in-laws was held not in the public hall but throughout the sleeping (sleeping) bed of the male and female in her room. In the center of the sleeping bed, a specially made large dish of bamboo charcoal weaved with well-crocheted safflower was placed in the center of the bed. The incense burner of the in-laws was placed on the forefront of the plate, followed by three simple and symbolic sacrificial offerings : “Fan egg”, “sweet tofu”, “Tian carp” (Huai Chun). Housewives knock on the side while burning incense side to read some old