1994年9月1日的早晨,天下着雨,班车另有任务不能接我们上班。但多年养成的一天不见办公桌就焦灼不安的习惯,使我打着伞,换乘多次车,时近(上午)10点来到办出室。刚刚放下书包,吕秀文同志也走进了我的办公室。 自她退休起,凡每次来社都要到我办公室坐上一会儿,谈工作、谈稿件、提建议、也唠唠家常,每次都是兴致而来,欢笑而去。而这次在她谈得激动的时候,病魔却下了毒手,心脏病突发,使她停止了呼
On the morning of September 1, 1994, it rained and the shuttle could not take us to work otherwise. However, many years to develop a day without a desk anxious anxiety habits, so I am holding an umbrella, transfer multiple cars, nearly (morning) came to do 10 o’clock. Just dropped the bag, Comrade Lu Xiuwen also walked into my office. Since her retirement, every time I come to my office to sit there for a while, talk about work, talk about manuscripts, make suggestions, but also chatter homely, every time are all come from, laugh away. And this time she was agitated, the disease was poisoned, a sudden heart attack made her stop calling