
来源 :山东医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kuuldor
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近年来,我们单用由济南军区第四干休所肿瘤药物研究室研制的中药制剂扶复康治疗中晚、期癌症126例,取得了良好效果。1.一般资料:126例癌症患者均经病理、细胞学、CT及X线检查确诊,49例为放疗,化疗、手术后患者,77例为初诊者。其中男91例,女35例;年龄为35~76岁。2.给药方法:采用全身或局部用药,总量450g以上。每支2ml含生药1.25g。用法:①全身用药:每日2次口服,每次3支;每日2次肌注,每次2支,连用3个月。同时 In recent years, we have used only the traditional Chinese medicine preparation developed by the Fourth Gansu Institute of Oncology Drug Research in Jinan Military Region to treat 126 cases of cancer in the middle and late stages, and achieved good results. 1. General information: 126 cases of cancer patients were diagnosed by pathology, cytology, CT and X-ray examination, 49 cases were radiotherapy, chemotherapy, postoperative patients, and 77 cases were newly diagnosed. There were 91 males and 35 females; the age ranged from 35 to 76 years old. 2. Dosing method: use systemic or topical medication, the total amount of 450g or more. Each containing 2ml of crude drug 1.25g. Usage: 1 systemic medication: oral 2 times a day, each time 3; 2 times daily intramuscular injection, 2 at a time, once every 3 months. Simultaneously
<正> 阿拉伯文学最突出的特征就是它的突如其来性,它从一开始就以崭新的、完美的、成熟的形式出现,特别是阿拉伯诗歌,其完美的韵律形式、表情达意的手法,决非后世同类文学形