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在目前经济生活中,笔者发现有些企业一旦出现商品积压现象,便束手无策。或坐等产品霉烂变质,望着“船沉”;或不惜血本,前价处理;甚至就地销毁,一了百了。结果,浪费了大量资金,严重影响了企业经济效益。其实,随着市场竞争的日趋激烈,行情信息变化莫测,商品一时出现积压不足为怪。关键是如何想方设法把积压商品销出去,变劣势为优势.现介绍四种销售术,供企业经营者参考。 In the current economic life, the author finds that some companies are incapable of doing anything when there is a backlog of goods. Or wait for the product to become rotten and spoiled, look at the “sink”; or do not hesitate to pay for the price, deal with the previous price; even destroyed in place, one hundred. As a result, a lot of money was wasted, which seriously affected the economic efficiency of the company. In fact, with the increasingly fierce competition in the market, market information is unpredictable, and it is not surprising that the backlog of goods temporarily appears to be insufficient. The key is how to find ways to sell the backlog of goods and change disadvantages into advantages. Now we introduce four kinds of sales techniques for the reference of business operators.