企业从计划经济转向市场经济,企业的能源管理如何适应市场经济,并加强节能降耗工作,这是企业在经营机制转换中的一个主要问题。根据我厂的实践,我们认为主要应抓好下面几项工作。 1.能源定额、标准和考核要适应企业经营机制的转换为了使能源定额、标准和考核适应市场经济,我们在各耗能车间和机台安装了计量仪表和器具,使能源消耗的计量和统计准确无误,保证了能源系统管理的需要。同时,还多次制订和完善统计报表,理顺能源信息和统计传递程序,依据省、市能源定额标准制订了国营五二三厂主要耗能设备单耗定额
Enterprises from the planned economy to the market economy, how the company’s energy management to adapt to the market economy, and to strengthen the work of energy saving, this is a major problem in the transformation of the company’s operating mechanism. According to the practice of our factory, we believe that the following should mainly be done. 1.Energy quotas, standards, and assessments should be adapted to the transformation of the company’s operating mechanism In order to adapt energy quotas, standards, and assessments to the market economy, we installed metering instruments and appliances in various energy-consuming workshops and machines to measure and calculate energy consumption. Accuracy ensures the need for energy system management. At the same time, it also formulated and improved statistical reports several times, straightened out energy information and statistical transmission procedures, and established a quota for the consumption of major energy-consuming equipment in the state-owned 523 factory based on provincial and municipal energy quota standards.