
来源 :农村电工 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:renjie1986
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就如何有效地控制农村电费电价,我们进行了探讨和尝试——推广“联户表”。 “联户表”是指根据农村住户居住情况,每三至六户安装一块小总表,每户安装分表,集中上杆安装,“联户表”与两榜公布电费紧密相连。“联户表”由乡电管站统一管理,每月由电管站集中村电工交叉抄核联户表,乡电管站按用电量大小分摊变损和低压线损电量,计算出联户表的电费价格,由站公布到村,然后在乡电管站集中核算每户电费,由站统一审核到户,村电工根据统一标准的电费单据向群众收取电费,再次张榜公布到村。 1、“联户表”要由乡(镇)电管站组织人员统一抄核,统一计算线损和变损。 2、联户表及农户小表要以村为单位由供电站统一编号,表箱内只印编号,不印姓名。 On how to effectively control the rural electricity tariff, we have discussed and tried to promote the “family-linked table”. “Linked households” means that according to the living conditions of rural households, a small master table is installed for every three to six households. Each household installs a sub-table and concentrates on the installation of poles. The “linked household table” is closely linked to the electricity bills announced by the two lists. “Licensing table” is managed by the township power management station. The electric power management station centralizes the village electrician’s cross-check copy of the united household table every month. The township power management station apportions the loss and low-voltage power loss according to the amount of power consumption. The electricity price of the household table is announced by the station to the village, and then the electricity charge of each household is collected in the township electricity management station. The station uniformly audits the household and the village electrician collects the electricity fee according to the unified standard electricity bill and publishes it again to the village. 1. The “family-in-use table” shall be copied by the organizers of the township (town) power management station to calculate the line loss and the damage uniformly. 2. The household registration form and the small household form of the peasant household shall be numbered uniformly by the power station in the village. The table box is only numbered and the name is not printed.
一只老鼠能引起大面积停电,而且难以查处故障点,是农电管理人员很头痛的事。过去,安徽省涡阳县供电局城东供电站由于鼠害频繁,经常引起10KV线路跳闸停电。针对这 A mouse ca
到石象乡采访农村电气化建设时,笔者了解到这样几件与农村电工有关的事。 为村电工家属点歌 “乡电管站想得真周到,专门为 俺点一首歌。别管啦,以
虚火投机把蒜价葱价搞乱了;  养生讲座把心理生理搞乱了;  真传销把亲情友情搞乱了;  假档案把“二历”“三龄”搞乱了;  网络直播把红包搞乱了;  惊人速度把节奏搞乱了;  谣言把人心搞乱了;  贪欲把人生搞乱了。
乡(镇)电管站兴办第三产业蔚然成风。可经济效益和社会效益到底如何呢?笔者带着这个问题采访了几个乡(镇)电管站。 The township (town) electricity management station has be