广西泥盆纪早埃姆斯期郁江组Heterophaulactis Yu,1974的再研究(英文)

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Heterophaulactis Yu是作者建立并发表于1974年的一四射珊瑚属,产自广西郁江沿岸、南宁至六景一带的泥盆纪郁江组,其时代属早埃姆斯期牙形刺kitabacus带(前dehiscens带)。对此珊瑚属再行研究,是出于:1)发表在“中国南方泥盆系的新进展”一文,是与其它门类化石共同作为划分和对比地层的化石依据,只限于中文简短描述,对化石图影的展示也有严格的数量限制。尽管此属己被收录在Hill(1981)主编的古生物专论的珊瑚分册中,也只是简短的英文描述和有限的图影,未能充分展示其骨骼演变特征;2)此属的分类位置、科的归属及与相关属的属征比较与讨论,当初均未交待,应予阐明;3)Heterophaulactis属的地理分布广,遍及滇桂两省,通过再研究,其产地已扩展至中国西北地区;其地层分布又有一定的时限性,在广西仅限于郁江组下部的石州段,时代为kitaba-cus带,其它地区也仅见于下泥盆统。文中对Heterophaulactis属的模式种,Heterophaulactis semicrassa的骨骼特征及个体发育过程中的演变均作详细的英文描述和图影展示;与相关属比较之后,认为与本属关系最为密切的是产于西秦岭山区下泥盆统、发表在西北区化石图册上的有些属种,其中的有些属种可以归于本属。文中还记述一新建种Heterophaulactis yujiangense sp.nov.。文章对Heterophaulactis的分类位置和科的归属也有详细比较讨论,认为它是源出自志留纪Pycnactis—Phaulactis的演化序列,应归属于Lykophyllidae Wedekind,1927科。对Miroelasmatinae Cao,1983亚科的原始定义作全面修订后,把它归为Lykophyllidae Wedekind,1927科下的一个亚科;在对化石图册及相关文献上记述的产自西秦岭区下泥盆统四射珊瑚属种的全面修订之前,暂把以下各属置于此亚科:Heterophaulactis Yu,Miroelasma Cao,Qinlingophyllum Cao,Wenxianophyllum Cao,Protaulacophy-llum Cao,Bethanyphyllum sensu Cao,Aulacophyllum sensu Cao和Aulacophyllum sensu Zhang。 Heterophaulactis Yu is a coral genus of Copernicus established and published in 1974 by the author. It originated from the Devonian Yujiang Formation along the Yuyu coast of Guangxi and from Nanning to Liujing. Its age belongs to the early Eames conodont kitabacus zone dehiscens band). The coral genus is re-studied for the following reasons: 1) The article “New Progress in the Devonian System in Southern China” is a fossil basis shared and categorized by other types of fossils and is limited to a brief Chinese description There are also strict quantitative restrictions on the display of fossil pictures. Although this genus has been included in the coral catalog of paleontology monographs edited by Hill (1981), it is only a brief English description and a limited number of pictorial illustrations that fail to fully demonstrate its skeletal evolvement; 2) The ownership of the genus and its related genera are compared and discussed, have not been confessed at the time, should be stated; 3) Heterophaulactis genera widely distributed throughout Yunnan and Guangxi provinces, through further research, its origin has been extended to China’s northwestern region The stratigraphic distribution has a definite time limit. In Guangxi, it is restricted to the ShiZhou section in the lower part of the Yujiang Formation, the age is kitaba-cus belt, and other areas are only found in the Lower Devonian. In this paper, Heterophaulactis genus species, Heterophaulactis semicrassa skeletal characteristics and evolution of individuals during the development are described in detail in English description and graphical display; compared with related genera, that the most closely related with the genus is produced in the Western Qinling Lower Devonian in the mountains, some genera published in the Atlas of Northwest Fossils, some of which can be attributed to this genus. The article also describes a new species of Heterophaulactis yujiangense sp.nov. The article also discusses in more detail the taxonomic position of Heterophaulactis and its taxonomic significance. It is thought to be derived from the phylogeny of Pycnactis-Phaulactis in the Silurian, belonging to Lykophyllidae Wedekind, 1927 families. The original definition of Miroelasmatinae Cao, Subfamily 1983, was completely revised and classified as a subfamily of Lykophyllidae Wedekind, 1927; in the fossil atlas and related literature, The following genera are temporarily assigned to this subfamily: Heterophaulactis Yu, Miroelasma Cao, Qinlingophyllum Cao, Wenxianophyllum Cao, Protaulacophyllium liao Cao, Bethanyphyllum sensu Cao, Aulacophyllum sensu Cao and Aulacophyllum sensu Zhang.
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