随着岁月的流逝,现在健在且又与鲁迅先生相识的人,可说寥若晨星。现代著名文学评论家、杂文家夏征农便是其中之一。 夏征农1904年生于江西丰城,已是年逾九旬的耄耄老人。然而,他耳不聋、背不弓,听说来了客人,缓缓地从楼上走下来、不用人搀扶,步履稳健,丝毫没有龙钟之态。离休前曾历任复旦大学党委书记,中共上海市委书记、上海市文联主席、中央顾问委员会委员、《辞海》主编等。他随和地同我握了手,就示意我在客厅的沙发上坐下,他自己却习惯地在藤椅上坐了下来。
As time goes by, people now alive and meeting Mr. Lu Xun can be said to be very few morning stars. Xia Zhengnong, a famous modern literature critic and essayist, is one of them. Xia Zongnong was born in 1904 in Fengcheng, Jiangxi Province, and has become an elder of more than ninety years. However, he was not deaf, back does not bow, I heard that the guests, slowly down from the upstairs, without people support, steady pace of action, did not make any appearances. Prior to his retired, he served successively as party secretary of Fudan University, secretary of the CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee, chairman of Shanghai Federation of Literary and Art Circles, member of the Central Advisory Commission and chief editor of Cihai. He shook his hand with me in an easy-going manner, and showed me that I was seated in the living-room couch, and he himself had settled down on a wicker chair.