聆听商海涛声 驰骋装饰世界——访聆海建筑装饰工程有限公司董事长冯琪雅

来源 :中国建筑装饰装修 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sheng45724575
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她不仅外表给人的第一感觉清纯、阳光,她的心地更是清澈见底,似乎没有什么可遮遮掩掩,不能对人言的。她的谈吐不仅语速很快,且句句洋溢着自信,这和她那恬静温婉的形象很不相符。然而访问她,你会深深感到这是在与强者对话、与智者交谈。由此,对于她——21岁就放弃公职下海创业,用十年的心血汗水,带领她的集团公司创下了年产值达30亿元的传奇业绩,也就不足为怪了!她,就是聆海装饰工程有限公司董事长冯琪雅。——题记 She not only gives the appearance of the first pure, sunny, her heart is even more crystal clear, it seems nothing can be secretive, can not say to others. Not only did she speak very fast and her sentences were full of confidence, which did not match her quiet and gentle image. However, when you visit her, you will feel deeply that you are talking to a strong man and talking to wise men. As a result, she was 21 years old to give up public service business in Shanghai, with ten years of hard work, led her group hit a record annual output of 3.0 billion in legendary achievements, it is not surprising that she is listening Sea Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd. Chairman Feng Qiya. --Inscription