安全、节能、环保是当今客车技术发展的三大主题,围绕安全、节能、环保主题的客车新技术、新配置不断推向市场。客车产品技术升级后,其维护的技术含量更高,重要性也更加突出。现行的《汽车维护、检测、诊断技术规范》(简称GB/T18344-2001)是指导客运企业对客车进行维护的主要依据。然而,该标准已经实施了十多年。如今的客车等级、技术水平与十多年前相比已经不可同日而语,因此,按照新技术、新配置修订GB/T 18344-2001标准,增加相应的新技术、新配置维护规范非常必要。
Safety, energy saving and environmental protection are the three major topics in the development of passenger car technology today. New technologies and new configurations of passenger cars around the theme of safety, energy conservation and environmental protection are continuously introduced to the market. Passenger car product technology upgrade, the maintenance of a higher technical content, the importance is also more prominent. The current “maintenance, testing, diagnostic specifications” (referred to as GB / T18344-2001) is to guide the passenger transport companies to maintain the main basis for the bus. However, the standard has been in place for more than a decade. Today’s bus rankings and technical standards are no longer the same as compared to more than a decade ago. Therefore, it is necessary to revise the GB / T 18344-2001 standard according to new technologies and new configurations, add corresponding new technologies, and newly configure maintenance specifications.