为帮助肝病相关临床医师在肝豆状核变性诊断和治疗中做出合理决策,中华医学会肝病学分会遗传代谢性肝病协作组于2021年组织国内相关领域专家,以肝豆状核变性的临床和基础研究进展为依据,共同编写了该《肝豆状核变性诊疗指南(2022年版)》。“,”In order to help liver disease-related clinicians make reasonable decisions for the diagnosis and treatment of hepatolenticular degeneration, the Inherited and Metabolic Liver Disease Cooperative Group of Hepatology Branch of Chinese Medical Association organized relevant field domestic experts in 2021 to jointly compile this guideline based on the clinical and basic research progress.