This article describes a method of network optimization and control that can be implemented in a layer compensation or allocation mode. In a compensation-mode, multi-ply, smart-well system, the process maximizes the total throughput of a particular well (crude oil or natural gas) in a well by stimulating the high-yielding zone while limiting the low-producing zone. In the layer-by-layer distribution model, the technology is used to allocate the production of each oil-producing layer based on a predetermined distribution coefficient. This method is similar to those used for resource allocation and dynamic planning. Unlike gradient methods, this method does not require calculation of the derivative. It uses historical section production, pressure / temperature data, and the characteristics of the downhole components installed to recommend new operating conditions for the downhole control valve for each interval. Analyze the characteristics of the control valves in the inner section including the reservoir boundary and specify the dynamic or static constraints of the target well and then combine the analysis with the existing interval data and all the well data to predict the optimization of the interval control valve Operating conditions. This method can be used both for passive mode and for active mode, as well as for discrete or continuous flow.