9月23日至28日,美国宇航局(NASA)局长迈克尔·格里芬(Michael Griffin)对我国进行了访问,这是美国宇航局官员迄今为止最高规格的访华。格里芬一行6人,对我国的航天计划进行了第一手的考察。根据美国宇航局提出的申请,格里芬的行程中包含了对中国空间技术研究院、中国科学院国家
From September 23 to September 28, NASA director Michael Griffin visited China. This is the highest-level visit by NASA officials to date. Griffin and his party of six people conducted a first-hand inspection of China’s space program. According to NASA’s application, Griffin’s trip includes the China Institute of Space Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences