目的分析湖北省近9年梅毒、淋病疫情发展趋势及流行病学特征,为制定防治措施提供科学依据。方法将2005-2013年间的性病疫情进行统计、对照、分析。结果 2005-2013年淋病疫情呈下降趋势;梅毒疫情呈直线上升,特别是隐性梅毒增长幅度较大,其次为Ⅰ期梅毒增长,胎传梅毒亦呈上升趋势。人口学特征:淋病病例男性多于女性,梅毒病例女性多于男性;80.00%为性活跃人群;职业以农民、家政、家务及待业为主,淋病和梅毒发病以16~60岁男性农民居多。结论应加强性病疫情监测,强化性病知识宣传,性病的防治宣传应全方位深入开展,特别是广大的农村居民及外出务工人员;加强性病疫情管理,及时准确上报性病疫情,确保性病疫情报告的质量。
Objective To analyze the epidemiological and epidemiological characteristics of syphilis and gonorrhea in Hubei Province in recent 9 years and provide a scientific basis for making prevention and control measures. Methods The STD outbreaks in 2005-2013 were statistically analyzed, compared and analyzed. Results The epidemic situation of gonorrhea showed a decreasing trend in 2005-2013. The epidemic situation of syphilis increased linearly, especially the growth of latent syphilis, followed by the increase of stage Ⅰ syphilis and the increase of fetal syphilis. Population characteristics: gonorrhea cases more men than women, syphilis cases more women than men; 80.00% of sexually active people; occupation to peasants, housekeeping, housework and unemployed, gonorrhea and syphilis incidence of 16 to 60-year-old male peasant mostly. Conclusion STD epidemiology surveillance should be strengthened, STD knowledge publicity should be strengthened, STD publicity should be carried out in an all-round way, especially for the majority of rural residents and migrant workers; STD epidemic management should be strengthened; STD epidemic timely and accurately reported; quality of STD report ensured .