Ataxia-hemiparesis syndrome is often considered as one of the characteristic syndromes of lacunar infarcts, whereas pontine hemorrhage is considered as a disease that is rapidly and dangerously fatal. We encountered two cases of ataxia Hemiplegia syndrome, “CT” confirmed primary pontine hemorrhage, complete recovery in the short term. To some extent, this complements the concept of traditional pontine hemorrhage and at the same time corrects the awareness of lacunar stroke to some extent. Case report 1, male, 52 years old, farmer, 1986.2.17 admission, hospital number 214,620. Two days before admission, the process of drinking, suddenly felt dizzy, ill-defined, and then bed rest, the next morning the road was unstable, nausea and vomiting twice, no headache, left upper limb numbness in the afternoon, the third day no improvement in symptoms Visits and admission. Hypertension is unknown. Check: blood pressure 200 / 122mmHg, conscious, slow and unclear speech, eye movement and pupillary response is good, forehead