汽车——第一章 整车

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在毛主席的无产阶级革命路线指引下,建国二十多年来,特别是无产阶级文化大革命以来,我国汽车工业发展很快,全国各省、市都有了自己的汽车制造厂。为了更好地贯彻“独立自主,自力更生”的方针,促进汽车工业多快好省地向前发展,根据第一机械工业部机械工程手册和电机工程手册编辑委员会的要求,编辑了《机械工程手册》汽车篇。该篇初稿经过广泛征求意见和修改以后,召集了合稿初审会,在工人师傅参加下写出第二稿。为了广泛地征求广大从事汽车生产、使用、维修的工人、技术人员和干部的意见,为汽车篇的审定稿创造条件,我们将汽车篇(第二稿)全文刊登出来,请同志们提出意见。 Under Chairman Mao’s proletarian revolutionary line, since the founding of the People’s Republic of China 20 years ago, especially since the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, the automobile industry in our country has been developing rapidly. All provinces and cities in the country have their own automobile factories. In order to better implement the “independent, self-reliance,” and to promote the automotive industry to move forward more quickly and economically, according to the first Ministry of Machinery Industry Mechanical Engineering Manual and the Electrical Engineering Manual Editorial Committee’s requirements, edited the “Mechanical Engineering Manual” Automotive articles. After extensive consultation and revision, the first draft convened the first draft of the draft and wrote the second draft under the participation of the worker master. In order to extensively solicit the opinions of the vast numbers of workers, technicians and cadres who are engaged in the production, use and maintenance of automobiles and create conditions for the approval of motor vehicles, we will publish the full text of the motor vehicle (second draft) and ask comrades to submit their views.
例1 男,57d。以阵发性哭闹,面色苍白1d,拒乳12h之主诉入院。1d前无明显诱因出现阵发性哭闹,面色苍白,作呕吐3次,为胃内容物,量不多,呈喷射状。12h前出现拒乳,有时尖叫,烦躁
小儿结肠心包疝临床罕见,我院遇到1例,现报告如下:1 临床资料  患儿女性,5个月。足月顺产,生后一般情况良好。因咳嗽、持续性气喘5天,于1997年12月5日入院。查体:呼吸急促,口周发钳,双肺布满哮
In this paper,a 4H-SiC semi-superjunction (SJ) Schottky barrier diode is analysed and simulated.The semi-SJ structure has an optimized design and a specific on-
<正> 二、道路试验有关转向器的整车道路试验是在日本 NSK 公司前桥工厂的试车场中进行的,该试车场长约200米,最宽处50米,呈菜刀形(见图1)。试车场主要进行转向器装车后的整