最近 ,再一次重读了贵刊 2 0 0 1年 10月第 5期“从业抒怀”中的两篇文章 :陈宝珍老师写的“又到木棉花开时———我在图书馆的日日夜夜”和彭斐章老师写的“立下‘园丁’志 甘为后人梯” ,读后受益非浅 ,感触良多。看这两篇文章 ,既是在倾听作者讲述一个个真实动人的故事 ,也
Recently, I read again the two articles in your magazine’s 5th issue of “Practice Expressing Your Own Life” published in October 2001: Chen Baizhen wrote: “When Kapok was on again --- I was at the library day and night Night ”and Peng Feizhang teacher wrote“ gardener ”willing to post-ladder", after reading a lot of benefits, feel a lot. Look at these two articles, both in listening to the author about a real touching story, too