2014年9月10日,由地球水公益机构及现代传播集团《LOHAS乐活》杂志共同主办的“真爱不孤独,地球水传递爱”地球水公益活动新闻发布会存北京国贸大饭店开幕,旨在号召更多爱心人士加入“以水换水”的地球水公益项E之中,为全世界需要帮助的儿童提供清洁水资源。“地球水”公益项目联合创始人之一Patrick de Nekker先生与众多爱心人士一同为活动揭幕,见证“地球水”在中国大陆的第四个年头。自2011年起,地球水项目先后为北京、青海玉树、湖北巴东、云南等地的15所学校提供了清洁水系统。活动现场展示了6款限量版“利乐钻”
On September 10, 2014, a press conference on “Earth’s Water Love, Earth’s Water Community Activities” co-sponsored by Earth Water NGOs and LOHAS Magazine of Modern Communication Group held the opening of the China World Trade Center Hotel Aiming to call on more caring people to join the Earth Water NGO E for water for water and provide clean water to children in need all over the world. Patrick de Nekker, one of the co-founders of Earth Water’s charity project, unveiled the event with numerous lovers to witness the fourth year in which Earth Water has been in mainland China. Since 2011, the Earth Water Project has provided clean water systems to 15 schools in Beijing, Yushu in Qinghai Province, Badong in Hubei Province, and Yunnan. Live showcase 6 limited edition “Tetra Pak ”